One Potato Two Potato...Three ..Plenty of potato recipes to choose from... after all .. what's
a turkey dinner without potatoes?
Whether you've been asked to bring a dish of potatoes or
you're hosting the celebration.. potatoes are likely on the menu... and you
really can't have too many kinds either... seems just about everybody loves a
good spud.
Here are some recipes for you to consider... all with easy
to follow instructions...

Creamy MashedPotatoes- what can I possibly say about Creamy Mashed Potatoes.. it just goes with a a turkey dinner!

Herb Roasted Potatoes- a nice alternative for those that don't care for mashed potatoes... delicious all by themselves or with gravy.. a perfect bring along dish.
Crockpot Au GratinPotatoes - a great dish that cooks itself and the crockpot makes it easy to serve and keep warm.. great for those of you that serve ham also on Thanksgiving.
Mashed Sweet Potatoes
- can't forget mashed sweet potatoes... they're just sooo good!
Sweet Potato Mashtini-
a great way to portion out a serving
with style... these make a great presentation... don't have enough martini
glasses? Get the plastic ones at the
party store...

Whew... whatta list! Look under the "Potato" label for even more great potato recipes.... I hope you find something that strikes your fancy!
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