Everyone needs a quick and easy cookie recipe this time of year....
This recipe is from Betty Crocker.. well mostly... from
Betty Crocker... I do have a little tip to make your cookies look and taste
divine... so read on...
This easy recipe uses Betty Crocker's Sugar Cookie Mix...
and a small box of pudding ... you can choose the flavor.. but honestly we
tried them.. and you can't really taste the difference if unless you choose a
strong flavor... otherwise it basically tastes like vanilla... not a bad
thing... mind you.. just a warning if you are expecting a particularly strong
Now for the great tip....
First I want to admit.. thumbprint cookies have always been
a challenge for me.. not so much the cookie part.. but the jam part... it
clumps.. or spread too thin in spots.. just didn't look like I wanted them
too... I always used a good jam... I tried jellies... I tried preserves...
expensive ones... cheap ones... nothing seemed to make them look really
pretty... until now.
I was determined to figure out how to make my cookies look
more professional... when these first came out of the oven I was so ticked
off... again.. the jam didn't look like I wanted... so in a rush.. I heated
some jam in the micro.. for only about 20 seconds on half power.. just enough
to melt it slightly... then I took a small spoon and dripped small amounts over
the jam already baked in the cookies.. the cookies were still warm from the
I didn't do a lot... just enough to spread it evenly.. and a
wonderful thing happened.. not only did the jam melt into an even puddle... it
cooled to a wonderful shiny, semi soft jam puddle... just like the bakery
cookies... it was a "duh moment" for sure... so easy and so pretty.
I use Smucker's Jam... I have tried so many brands... famous
and store brand... I truly think theirs is the best.
Powdered sugar is optional... but it does make these look so
pretty... and does hide so many evils.. makes them all look perfect....
Do not sprinkle the powdered sugar on them until they are
completely.. and I do mean completely cooled.. powdered sugar onto a warm baked
good just gets absorbed into the cookie.
Now I hope you try these cookies... they were quick to put
together and so easy... great for when you're short on time...
They are so good... they're addictive!
Recipe: Quick and Easy Raspberry Thumbprint Cookies
All you need:
1 pouch Betty Crocker Sugar Cookie Mix
1 small box (4 serving) Instant Vanilla or White Chocolate
Jello Pudding Mix
1/2 cup oil
1 egg
Smucker's Raspberry Seedless Jam
Powdered Sugar
All you need to do:
Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper.
In a large bowl mix together the Sugar Cookie Mix, pudding
mix, oil and egg until it is all combined and is soft and can form a ball.
I used a melon baller to scoop out rounded amounts of
dough.. then rolled them into small balls.
Place the balls on the parchment paper and gently press your thumb or
the handle of a cooking spoon in the center... the end of the handle is great
for rounding out your hole.
Make sure your cookies are about 2 inches apart to leave
room for them to expand and not bake into each other.
Put 1/4 teaspoon of jam into each hole. I used my 1/4 teaspoon measuring spoon.
Bake for 8 to 10 minutes or until the edges are a light
brown. While the cookies are baking...
melt about a 1/4 cup jam in a small microwaveable bowl... a custard cup works
well... warm the jam just enough to make it easy to stir into a smooth gel-like
consistency.... not too runny... it should be like JELLO just before it stiffens...
When the cookies come out.. drip small amounts of the
softened jam on top of the melted jam on the cookies... not too much.. you
don't want it to run.
Allow to cool completely... then lightly sift powdered sugar
over the cookies.
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