What is cooking without herbs? Bland bland bland...
Herbs can be expensive... so the best solution is .... drum roll please... GROW YOUR OWN!
Don't have a lot of space? No Problem! There are many options that are perfect for indoors and out... apartments or houses... even tiny kitchens.. read on...
Need to keep them away from kids and critters? The picture above is a hanging Herb Garden by Lakeland Mills and is available online at ATG Stores
Here are some more of the best creative Herb Gardens around... and they won't break the bank either!

This is from Williams Sonoma and is perfect for the person who wants a portable herb garden. Move it to whatever location you want... great for decks, patios and rooftops. This willow basket is lined with a professional grade planting bag... plant directly into the bag or slip in pre-planted pots of your favorite herbs. It folds conveniently flat for easy storage when not in use. At $29.95 and lists free shipping at the moment... it's not a bad deal. They also have some other types of containers from window boxes to a vintage looking crate... all at reasonable prices.. definitely check out the link.

Window Boxes are perfect for an herb garden... and they come in so many sizes, shapes, styles, colors ... from the plain to the nifty... the picture above is a beautifully designed window box for a herb garden. It's available at White Flower Farm.
Planter Boxes are great if you have the space in a yard for one and are perfect for growing herbs... these are from Simply Planters... who says planters have to be boring and ugly....they are not only functional, but they're beautiful and truly add to the decor of your outdoor space. All are reasonably priced (and on sale right now) from $89.98 and up.

Maybe Individual Pots of herbs are more your style... have a sunny location in your kitchen... you can not only cut your food budget by growing your own herbs but also add to your decor at the same time... from plain shiny white pots to an array of colors to accent your kitchen... maybe unique pots to add interest... they're available all over from gardening stores to online stores..
These rustic posts come in "Rosemary" "Parsley" and "Thyme" and are available at Home Decorators.

I hope you found this info helpful... happy gardening!

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