Roasting garlic is so easy… and so much cheaper than buying it in jars already roasted… as with making your own spices blends… roasting your own garlic can save you money considerably… and having it on hand… well… makes using it easier…. making meals come alive with fabulous flavor.
Roasting garlic makes it almost sweet… and takes the pungent flavor and smell away… the insides become a buttery yellow ans soft… fabulous spread on fresh bread… and no… you won’t reek from it for days… it actually is very mellow.

I like to make a batch of roasted garlic and store it in a jar in the refrigerator… it should easily last two weeks…
I use pimentos in my macaroni salad and some other salads… I clean and save the little jars … they’re perfect for storing roasted garlic… the two ounce size holds roasted garlic from about 3 average sized heads.
You can use a ceramic ramekin or… you can use a non-stick pan which I recommend… a muffin tin works especially well … but any small pan will do.
Try this… you won’t believe how easy it is to do!

Recipe: Roasting Garlic
All you need:
Whole garlic heads
Olive oil
All you need to do:
Preheat oven to 400 degrees F.

Peel the loose paper-like outer skin from the head.
Cut about ¼ inch off the top of the head.
Drizzle about 2 teaspoons of olive oil on each head, making sure it gets into the cut cloves.

Place in a baking dish or pan.. cover with foil.
Bake at 400 degrees F for 35 minutes or until the cloves are extremely soft.

Remove form the oven and allow to cool enough to handle.

Remove the soften cloves with a small fork or squeeze out the roasted garlic into a clean jar.