
Recipe: Simple Pasta Salad

I call this my Simple Pasta Salad… simple because it has few ingredients … no complicated flavors… and simple to make. I have posted other similar salads… this one is pared down a little… I serve it with foods that have lots of flavors.. I want the Pasta Salad to compliment the other foods not compete with them.

I served this particular salad with my Tuscan Chicken Sandwich…. because the sandwich has lots and lots of flavor… this went perfectly with it.

With BBQ season starting and picnics… this salad is perfect.. you don’t have to worry about it getting warm… if it lasts that long!


Rinse the pasta with cold water after cooking to stop the cooking process immediately.

I keep a jar of Rotelle pasta … this way I can buy a larger box.. and simply use what I need each time… saves time and money.

Allow the pasta to drain and get to room temperature before putting on the dressing.

I used Kraft Free Zesty Italian Dressing – Fat Free …. I like it because it is fat free… so this salad is virtually fat free… I do add a bit of grated Parmesan cheese to it.. so that’s the only fat in it. You can use any oil and vinegar Italian dressing you prefer.

This will easily serve 6.

Hope you like it!

Recipe: Simple Pasta Salad

All you need:

2 cups of dried Rotelle pasta
1 small can sliced black olives
2-3 Roma tomatoes, chopped
¼ cup Kraft Free Zesty Italian Dressing
2 tablespoons grated Parmesan cheese

All you need to:

Cook the pasta according to package instructions. Drain, rinse with cold water and drain again. Allow pasta to cool completely.

Combine all ingredients in a large bowl and refrigerate an hour.

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