
Recipe: Mini Crab Puffs

This recipe for Mini Crab Puffs is so quick and easy.. it’s a perfect party food… I find party snacks you can buy at the supermarket quite expensive… and there aren’t even very many in the box… it makes entertaining pretty expensive all around…

I was experimenting recently trying to perfect some entertaining recipes… and this is one of them. Using my basic popover recipe… adding spices and using bread flour.. I got these puffs to be not only excellent in taste, because of the bread flour they kept their shape perfectly… a perfect professional looking hors’dourves at a fraction of the cost you would pay for them pre-made… no preservatives or additives… just loaded with flavor… what more could you ask for?


You can use imitation crab or real crab meat.. just chop it finely.

These are a little denser than the usual popovers.. because of the filling… I add a decent amount of crab in each.. but they are still light and delicious.

I used finely shredded cheddar cheese.. that I put on my cutting board and chopped using a sharp knife…

I listed chives as optional.. I highly recommend using them.. they give these a fabulous flavor and blend well with the crab and cheese.

The recipe uses bread flour… I definitely recommend you use bread flour.. so these will not deflate… and the bread flour gives them an extra boost in size too.  Here is a post that is all about bread flour... click here.

Make sure you spray the tin with cooking oil spray.. you don’t want them to stick.

In addition, a non-stick pan is preferred.. I still spray my non-stick pan.

I used my mini muffin tins… if you’re preparing these for a party.. you can get everything prepared ahead… set-up the muffin tin with a little crab and cheese in each mini muffin well… keep the batter in a large measuring cup in the fridge… just give it a quick whisk before pouring and bake.

This recipe makes 24 mini crab puffs.

I hope you try these delicious little puffs.

Recipe: Mini Crab Puffs

All you need:

1 ¼ cup whole milk
½ teaspoon salt
1 ¼ cup bread flour
4 large eggs
1 teaspoon onion powder
1 teaspoon garlic powder
½ cup finely shredded cheddar cheese
About ½ cup crab meat, finely chopped
Snipped chives, optional

All you need to do:

Preheat oven to 425 degrees F.

Spray the mini muffin tins with cooking oil spray.

Place about a heaping teaspoon of finely chopped crab in each muffin well.

Add about a teaspoon of finely chopped shredded cheddar cheese in each well.

Add a sprinkling of snipped chives to each muffin well.

Add the milk, flour and salt to a large bowl and whisk until smooth and no lumps.

Add the eggs, one at a time…whisking the egg in after each addition.

Mix in spices.

Fill the muffin tin ¾ full.

Bake at 425 degrees F for 5 minutes.

Reduce the oven temperature to 325 degrees F and bake for 10 minutes or until golden brown.

Turn out onto a cooling rack.


  1. How delightful!!! I can't wait to give these a try.

  2. Quick question: is "bread flour" the same as "all-purpose flour?" I use King Arthur's whole wheat all purpose. Would that work?

  3. Hi Everymom,

    Bread flour isn't exactly the same as all purpose flour... and you can substitute all purpose flour for it in his recipe...

    But... bread flour does make a superior result... it will must definitely rise better.. and the little popovers will keep their shape better than when you use all purpose flour..

    Not sure if you have made popovers before.. but when you use all purpose flour.. they tend to deflate pretty quickly...

    I made popovers for years using all purpose flour .. and decided to read up on bread flour.. and tried it... I loved the result.

    I did a post all about what exactly bread flour is... I think you will find it helpful... here is a fact I will update this recipe to include the link as well.. I hadn't realized I didn't...
    here it is...

    Hope this helped answer your question.. and happy baking!


  4. Hi Linda, thanks so much for answering my question! I am making your crab puffs for sv Thanksgiving appetizer and I found the bread flour! (I also googled the differences in floor, but will definitely read your post about it!)
    Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

  5. PS And yes I have made popovers before and they were anything but the light airy things I envisioned when I started making them... That's how I happened on your blog and this recipe. :)

  6. Happy Thanksgiving to you! And good luck with your mini crab puffs!

  7. Hello, Can you please tell me if you an freeze these crab puffs for about a month? thank you

  8. Hi Rafeef,

    I would think you could freeze them.... a month would be about the maximum time I would think.

    Thanks for stopping by.



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