
Recipe: Tuscan Chicken Sandwich

This recipe is one I created while trying to copy something my son, Erik made me. About 8 years ago I was laid up with a broken foot… and my son had to do the shopping and cooking etc… suddenly he realized everything I had to do… it was an eye opener to say the least.. but we got through it…

My son loves creating new dishes .. and he took the opportunity while he “was in charge” to do just that… create! I must say I never complained… I thought I was in heaven! He made me the most interesting things.. and one of them was a grilled chicken sandwich… over the years I tried remembering what he had done and for the life of me can’t remember all the ingredients.. and neither can he… so in trying to recreate it… I’ve made numerous versions of a grilled chicken sandwich… and today’s post is one of them.


I used a fairly thin boneless skinless chicken breast… thick ones make the sandwich too thick and really thin ones are too thin… look for one in between.

For my Pesto Mayo recipe… click here.

I used jarred roasted red peppers in oil. I used some of the oil from the jar for the marinade. Marinate the chicken for about 4 or more hours.

We had soft Kaiser rolls for sandwiches… this recipe would be excellent on Ciabatta bread.

I served it with a simple Pasta Salad.

This makes two servings.

Try this easy recipe.. it’s wonderful!

Recipe: Tuscan Chicken Sandwich

All you need:

2 Sandwich rolls
2 Boneless skinless chicken breasts, fairly thin
Jarred Roasted Red Peppers in oil
1 large garlic cloves, finely chopped
Olive oil
Leaf lettuce
Tomato slices
Provolone Slices
Pesto Mayonnaise

All you need to do:

Place the chicken in a glass bowl. Add the chopped garlic cloves and about 3 tablespoons chopped roasted red peppers. Add 2-3 tablespoons of the oil from the roasted red pepper jar (enough to cover). Cover with plastic wrap and keep in the fridge for at least 4 hours or more.

When ready to cook the chicken, remove from the fridge and remove the breasts from the bowl removing any garlic or red peppers from the chicken.

Heat a grill pan over medium high heat.

Cut the rolls in half and brush the inside with olive oil and place face down on the hot grill. When toasted golden, remove to a cutting board.

Grill the chicken until cooked through, turning once. Before removing from the grill, place a thin slice of prosciutto on each chicken breast and then place a slice of provolone on top. cook until cheese has melted (about 3 minutes).

Spread the pesto mayo on both pieces of the roll. Layer with lettuce then roasted red pepper on the bottom and layer tomato slices on the top piece.

Place the cooked chicken with the prosciutto and provolone on top of the roasted red pepper. Place the top on and enjoy!

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