My first Cuban sandwich was from my favorite bagel place in upstate New York… Bruegger’s Bagels… which, by the way… if you’re in the area of one of the many Bruegger’s Bagels… they’re giving away free coffee on November 10th 2010… and are asking you to consider giving a donation to the Children’s Miracle Network… supporting Children's hospitals in your area...a great cup of coffee and a great cause…
Okay… back to the Cuban sandwich… Bruegger’s has monthly special sandwiches and one month it was the Cuban…. one bite and I was hooked… simply delicious!
The origins of the Cuban sandwich are not really known… many think it originated in Cuba or quite possibly somewhere in south Florida where there is a significant Cuban population.

The traditional Cuban has thinly sliced roast pork and baked ham, Swiss cheese, thinly sliced dill pickles and mustard between two sliced of Cuban bread… the outer sides of the bread slathered in butter and grilled to perfection… the tastes mingle so well… now you can make it with other types of bread (it was fabulous on a bagel)… but it is best on Cuban bread.
The sandwich does not have to be grilled... but I highly recommend it... the buttery outside and the melted Swiss cheese really make it outstanding.
Of course I just had to get a Panini maker …. It’s been on my list of things I want ever since I started making Paninis … they are infinitely easier to make with a Panini maker than trying to just grill and flip the sandwiches….and what better sandwich to break in the new Panini maker but the beloved Cuban.

A word about Cuban bread… I had never had it before coming to south Georgia… and now I’m hopelessly addicted to this bread. I will have to get a recipe for it and make it in the not too distant future… our local supermarket, Publix, has it in their bakery and I swear Warren and I could sit and eat it for supper alone… crusty thin layer on the outside, soft on the inside… it’s just so good! BUT… buyers beware... it does go stale quickly… so buy it and enjoy it!

Slice the bread on an angle to get more surface area.

Serve these fantastic sandwiches with some steak fries and you have yourself a great little supper!
I hope you try this wonderful sandwich!

Recipe: The Cuban Sandwich
All you need:
Thinly sliced roast pork
Thinly sliced baked ham
Sliced Swiss cheese
Golden mustard
Thinly sliced dill pickles
Slices of Cuban bread
All you need to do:
Butter one side of the bread slices.
Turn them over and put mustard on the other side.
Lay a slice of Swiss cheese on one slice of bread.
Then lay pickle slices, then roast pork and ham on it.
Lay another slice of Swiss cheese on top.
Put the other slice on top (mustard side down).
Grill until the cheese is melted and the bread is a golden brown.
I've never had a Cuban but have heard of them, and they do sound delicious.
Judy...They're absolutely delicious! Who would have thought to put that combination of things together?! Pure genius!
Thanks for stopping by!
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