Recipe: Cajun Seasoning

As with the other seasoning recipes I’ve posted before… I cannot stress enough how important I think it is to make your own spice blends…

First and foremost… you control the ingredients and ingredient quantities… commercial blends are a general blend… average… if you will… no one is average.. we’re each individuals.. and we like different things.. some like it hot some don’t…

I encourage you to use my recipe as a base.. and tweak it to your own likes and dislikes…


I put a range on the cayenne quantity… I used 3 tablespoons… I think the seasoning has a nice little bite to it when used in sauces and meat mixtures… I used it as a coating on some grilled chicken… cayenne gets hotter when cooked like that… the chicken had a distinct bite… lips were a little tingly… so if you prefer something less hot… use the lower quantity… you can always add a bit more if after using it.. you want more bite in the future.

I also put a range on the salt… I used 3 tablespoons.. which looked like a lot before I mixed it… but after using it in a few recipes… I was happy with the quantities I decided on….and the foods didn’t taste salty.. and I’m pretty picky… I don’t salt with a heavy hand…. however… use as much as you like… remember you can always add more… so it’s better to err on the low side and then add… then err on the high side and have to throw it out…

I put all the ingredients in a small bowl and then mix it using a wire whisk.. I find the spices mingle better that way.

Make your own spice blends.. know what’s really in your food!

Recipe: Cajun Seasoning

All you need:

2-3 tablespoons salt
2 tablespoons dried oregano
2 tablespoons paprika
2-3 tablespoons cayenne
1 tablespoon black pepper
1 tablespoon white pepper
2 tablespoons garlic powder
2 tablespoons onion powder

All you need to do:

Combine all ingredients in a small bowl. Use a wire whisk to mix ingredients evenly.

Store in an air tight container or glass jar.

Use as directed in recipes.


Anonymous said...

This sounds great, going to mix me up a batch I love cajun food, and the seasonings. Thanks!

Kristen said...

We were just talking about how we wanted a better Cajun than we were using - I'll have to try your mix

Linda said...

Thanks Neicy! We really like this mix...I hope you do too!

Linda said...

Do try it Kristen.. and experiment may like it hotter than I do.. or milder... adjust it to suit your tastes.

Unknown said...

Thanks for sharing Cajun Seasoning Recipe.I really like this mix. I will try to make this.

Linda said...

You are most welcome! I hope you enjoy it. Thanks for stopping by!

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