
Crab Cakes Eggs Benedict

I recently went to a favorite café and Crab Cakes Eggs Benedict was the special…. The idea of combining Crab Cakes and Eggs Benedict was genius!
So what is it?....  Crab Cakes replace the English muffin…. Topped with two poached eggs and Hollandaise Sauce… the result?... perfection!
This recipe is a combination of several recipes…. I apologize in advance … I have links to the individual recipes.  I toyed with putting them here… but I think it’s best you go to the original recipes… they have valuable tips to make your dish a success.
Of course you can use your own favorite recipes for any part of this…. But I urge you to try mine… they are delicious!  My Crab Cake recipe is here.
The only tip I have for this recipe itself is … you can easily make parts of it ahead.  I made a double batch of Crab Cakes for a supper… stored the leftovers and simply re-heated the leftovers for a nice Sunday breakfast. 
Poached eggs can easily be made in the oven.. here is the link to How to make  Poached Eggs in the Oven.
And last but not least… my Hollandaise Sauce recipe is here.
I served these with Oven browned potatoes…. They went so well with this… and the chopped chives add a light onion flavor to the sauce... a perfect compliment to this dish... the color makes it look... well, perfect!

A truly lovely brunch recipe.

Recipe:  Crab Cake Eggs Benedict
All you need:
Hollandaise Sauce

Chopped Chives for garnish
All you need to do:
To assemble:
Place 2 Crab Cakes on a plate, top with 2 poached eggs and top that with Hollandaise Sauce…
Serve immediately.

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