
Substituting Dried Herbs for Fresh

Tip of the Day:

When substituting dried herbs for fresh ones in a recipe… a general rule of thumb is 1 teaspoon dried for 1 tablespoon fresh (which is a 3 to 1 ratio)… but keep in mind this is a general rule… other factors such as age of the dried herb will affect the conversion… you really need to let your taste be your guide… but at least this is a good starting point.

And I thought you might like to have these measurement conversions to help you figure out what you need…

3 teaspoons equals 1 tablespoon

4 tablespoons equals ¼ cup. (I thought I would give you this since a lot of recipes use ¼ cup of fresh herbs)……

so if you need to substitute ¼ cup fresh parsley with dried parsley… you would need 4 teaspoons of dried parsley…..

You could measure out 4 teaspoons of dried parsley or…. measure out 1 tablespoon plus 1 teaspoon of dried parsley.

Another tip is that you want to be sure to add dried herbs in the beginning of the cooking process to give them a chance to release their flavor into the food.

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