
Recipe: Kid Friendly Cream Cheese and Jam Omelet

I know this dish may sound odd… but then again… you’re probably not 7 either….

This is a yummmmmm… take it from a cream cheese and jam lover!


I use a 6 inch saute pan... it makes a perfect size omelet for either 1 egg or 2 eggs... perfect for kids!


Cream Cheese and Jam Omelet Recipe:

All you need:

2 eggs, beaten with dash of milk
Pinch of salt
Freshly ground pepper
Cream cheese (about 1/4 of a brick) cut into small chunks
Favorite Jam (about 1 tablespoon)

All you need to do:

Follow the instructions for making the perfect omelet… add the ingredients on one half of the omelet after bottom is set.

The only change is that...after the top is no longer runny… flip the 2nd half over to cover the other half.

Cover with a sauté pan to keep the heat in.

Cook a few minutes until you can tell the cream cheese has melted.

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