
Welcome to My Kitchen

I’m glad your web surfing brought you here… whether you were searching for a recipe… or were referred by a friend… maybe you saw my link somewhere or even better you’re a loyal blog fan already… I’m really glad you’re here!

So what is this blog all about?… home cooking for today’s cook…. all kinds of tips and recipes you can use for everyday meals or entertaining family and friends… to sum it up… you need to meet my family and friends… they are as much a part of this blog as the tips and recipes are.. you will see stories about them throughout the posts… I hope you feel at home.

Warren got me a very thoughtful gift one Christmas… a cookbook from the Neely’s…. he knew how much I really like their show… and how much I’ve come to really like southern cooking… so the gift was perfect. While their cooking only represents a small part of my tastes…

The book… Down Home with the Neely’s… is probably one of the my favorite books… not only because it contains lots of really good home cooking recipes… it also chronicles their lives… which for me, is a large part of their appeal… they unabashedly love each other and their family and friends… truly people to relate to and to aspire to be like. They are what home cooking is all about… sharing good times and just plain great food.

This blog is much like their cookbook… it contains recipes I have used over the years… new and old… passed down from one generation to another… recipes gotten from friends…and ones that I’ve tried and altered to our tastes… updated family favorites to lighter versions for today’s healthier needs… new ones I’ve come across and tried that we’ve really liked…

Not everything you see here may appeal to you… I honestly don’t think any blog or cookbook or cooking show can meet that expectation… we’re all individuals… so you tend to pick and choose what works best for you… I hope you find some recipes here that you can fit into your tastes and lifestyle.

So if you haven’t already… subscribe today so you don’t miss a post.

Join the Followers Club… there’s always room for one more…. invite a friend or two…

And as always .. you are always welcome in my kitchen… so pull up a chair.. pour yourself a cup of coffee and enjoy your stay with me.