
Baked Italian Meatballs

There are a million Italian meatball recipes and this one is mine. I always get raves when I serve them. Warren even brings them in to people at work because they love them so much.

They're baked, not fried, so they are as healthy as you can get for a beef meatball.


The secret is in the spices… fresh herbs are always better… I try to never use dried parsley… fresh parsley adds so much more flavor.

The milk helps keep them moist… I’ve tried making it without the milk and it’s just not the same.

The garlic has a range in how much to use... the amount depends on.... how long the garlic powder has been in your pantry... it loses it's strength as it sits... and it also depends on how much you like garlic... start with 1 teaspoon... and if you like more .. the next time up the amount... it really just depends on what you are used to.

The recipe is as low fat as you can get and is fast and easy. While the meatballs are baking, you can start the clean-up and while their simmering in the sauce… you can make the pasta. This recipe is great for cooking after work.


Recipe:  Baked Italian Meatballs

All you need:

1 pound ground sirloin
1 egg, beaten (you can also use Egg Beaters if you want to cut the fat even more)
1/4 cup milk (I use fat free milk, any type of milk will work)
1 medium onion finely chopped
1-2 teaspoons garlic powder *See Tips
1/4 cup finely chopped fresh parsley (I use curly parsley, but flat leaf works just as well)
2 tsp Italian Seasoning
3/4 cup Italian bread crumbs
1/4 cup grated Parmesan or Romano cheese
Salt and pepper
Tomato Sauce

All you need to do:

Preheat oven to 350 degrees F.

Mix beef and egg, milk, onion, garlic, parsley, Italian Seasoning, bread crumbs, cheese, salt and pepper.

Roll meat into 1 1/2 inch medium-sized meatballs and place on nonstick cookie sheet or a cookie sheet sprayed with olive oil cooking spray.

I love to use the Reynolds Wrap Release Non-Stick aluminum foil, nothing sticks to it and I don’t have to use any oil.

Bake balls 25 minutes until no longer pink.

Add the cooked meatballs to your favorite tomato sauce… cook on low for about 20 minutes. (just to have the sauce flavor absorbed into the meatballs).

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