
Picking and Choosing Foods

 Controlling which foods you choose to eat can be challenging... no matter what lifestyle choices you decide to make.... low fat... gluten free... low carb etc.. it's hard to know which is best for you.
Everybody talks about weight management and obesity.. and everybody has an opinion... it can not only be confusing about what to follow... it's challenging once you make the decision.
I don't profess have the answers... far from it... and I try to include something for everyone in this blog... because I believe it's a personal choice and an individual decision...
I truly believe genetics plays an important role.. not that I believe genetics makes you tend toward being skinny or not... or that skinny people are blessed and those of us who struggle are not... I just think they have found the answer as to what works for them and what doesn't.
Over the years I have gone to different doctors..  some retire ... some move ... and so I have had a variety of doctors over the years... and each has had their own opinions about weight management, cholesterol management.... and all different. I will admit that all have talked about exercise... and I wholeheartedly agree... more on that ... read on.
And over the years, at times, I have managed my weight and fitness well... and then at times not as well as I would have liked... what was the difference?..
For me... it was... a change in jobs... from a more active one to a ... a dreaded word here... a "desk job" ... a move to the "burbs" where I have to use the car to go anywhere to do anything.... a lack of time to adequately replace that active job with exercise in non-existent spare time.... AND a mind bending amount of nutrition information and an inability to sort it out.  I actually gained weight strictly following a low fat lifestyle... so I was told portion control was the answer... to a point they were right... but for me... it wasn't the total answer...
You may have noticed a decrease in posts lately... well that's for a variety of reasons... busy time at work... busy time working on the house.... and a low carb diet...
I decided a while ago that you could throw a sheet over my butt and show movies... well ... maybe not quite that bad... but I needed to lose... a sedentary job and a busy life make it difficult to control those extra pounds, so I decided to go back to a lower carb lifestyle.. I had done that for years with success and decided to go back to it. 
Oddly ... and I say this in all honesty... the cholesterol number came down.. way down... something I hadn't expected... but according to the new Atkins.. that's what they say should happen... I don't get it... guess I'm not smart enough to explain it... but for me.. the answer seems to be the Atkins lifestyle... at least for now.
Why call it a lifestyle and not a diet?... because.. it has to become a way of life... not a limited time offer... any of the so-called diets are a lifestyle.. in order to work and stay ... it has to become a lifestyle... will it continue to work for me.. time will tell... but I'm giving it my best shot.
The pounds are coming off but very slowly.. I'm sure age is a factor in the slow moving dial on the scale... but I'm determined.. adding regular exercise is the next step...
Meals at our house have been rather... well... a bit boring... not blog worthy... plain grilled and baked meats... steamed or roasted vegetables... salads and more salads... and even more salads.
At least I thought they were boring until it occurred to me.. I have adjusted numerous recipes and discovered many more ... that maybe my readers would be interested in these tips and recipes...
So I'm back at it... but have no fear... there will still be a decent amount of baked goods and sweets also... Warren has not given up sweets and neither has his buddy who is always asking for samples...  and lots of tips about what you can do to alter a recipe to make it lower fat ... if that's what you choose to do.
Whatever works for you... whatever your personal tastes are.. I hope you find something here to fit into your life. 
I will keep you posted as to my progress... and yes... insert big sigh here.... more activity will have to be added... finding the time will be the greatest challenge.. but I'm not 21 anymore... and diet alone is simply not enough...
For now... Glad to be back in the kitchen... and at Cooking Tip of the Day!

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