
Green Salad with Eggs Bacon and Potatoes

So did you make it to a Farmer's Market this past weekend?  .... I hope so... local produce is the best!... Support your local farmers..
I made a wonderful big salad for Saturday's lunch.... a "breakfast salad" of sorts... bacon... eggs... roasted potatoes... totally delish!
This salad is so easy.. and if you make the bacon in the oven... no mess!  Click here for directions..
Potatoes were oven roasted... I cut up red potatoes into half.. then quarters.. then cut them in half again.. bite sized pieces... a little olive oil... a little onion powder.. and popped them in the oven... don't forget to line your pan with non-stick foil...  so they don't stick to the pan .. and another clean-up that's a snap.
Hard boiled eggs round out the toppings... make them perfect every time.. bring them to a boil... then lower the heat to a simmer.. for 15 minutes.. then pour off the hot water and let them cool in cold water...
I added some grape tomatoes because we love them... add them or any other toppings you like...
Top with your favorite dressing...
Best of all.. this is a great "make ahead" salad... bring it to work for lunch... no ho-hum lunch anymore!

Recipe:  Green Salad with Eggs Bacon and Potatoes
All you need:
Lettuce of your choice
Crispy bacon, chopped
Hard boiled eggs, chopped
Oven roasted red potatoes, cut up
Grape tomatoes
Dressing of your choice
All you have to do:
Place your bacon slices on a foil lined pan and place in a cold oven... a full size oven NOT A TOASTER OVEN.  Set the temperature to 400 and the timer for 15 minutes.. check it.. and add more time if necessary.  Time will depend on the thickness of the bacon and how fast your oven heats up.  Mine usually takes about 15 - 20 minutes.  Drain on paper towels.  When cooled, coarsely chop.
Cut up the red potatoes into bite sized pieces and toss with a little olive oil... not a lot.. just enough to coat them.  Sprinkle generously with onion powder and spread them out on a foil lined pan.  Pop the pan in the oven and bake until they brown and crisp up a little... about 25 minutes... time will depend on the size of the potatoes... check them after 15 minutes and then every 5 minutes.  When done... allow to cool.
Assemble the salad by adding the ingredients into the bowl and tossing with the greens.

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