
Recipe: Chewy Chocolate Chip Cookies

This recipe for Chewy Chocolate Chip Cookies is made with Bread Flour. You probably have an excellent chocolate chip cookie recipe… BUT.. I urge you to try this one.. it is slightly different and is well… insanely good.

The high protein or gluten content in bread flour makes it a perfect ingredient for chewy cookies… and besides you cannot have too many chocolate chip cookie recipes.. all the more reason to bake them more often.. I’m sure your friends and family will not complain.

I love chocolate chip cookies… a love affair that began as a child at Christmas… my mother always baked chocolate chip cookies at Christmas. It was a special treat because she really didn’t bake them all that much throughout the rest of the year.

The basic Toll House cookie recipe was a staple.. and it was mine while my son was growing up… but as I experienced food days at work and cookies brought in to church for the after church social time.. I began to realize there are other chocolate chip cookies out there… not that all of them were necessarily better… just different.. and some were definitely better.

Okay.. now it’s my time to gripe… for the life of me I do not understand people that hoard good recipes and refuse to share them or even share tips… I mean let’s face it.. no matter how good a chef is.. I’m sure there are more than a handful out there that are equally as good… same goes for the home cooks and bakers. I’ve met more than one person that made great cookies and when asked for the recipe or how they got them so good… answered with utter silence.. or a half laugh and said.. “it’s their secret recipe”… I mean really.. how insecure can you be… not to share something delicious…

(I’m now stepping off my soap box)…. Well obviously I share… and gladly share… so when I tell you this recipe really rocks… and to quote a reviewer..”this will rock your socks”.. it definitely will.

The use of bread flour makes these more solid.. the shrinking and deflating cookie will be no more… also this recipe uses more brown sugar than white and more vanilla than most recipes.. the resulting flavor is addicting… to say the least.

This recipe was adapted from Baking Illustrated and is very simple.


You can use all purpose flour if you prefer.. they just won’t be as chewy.

Watch your baking time carefully… all ovens are not alike… if your cookies do come out dry … you baked them too long.

I used a 1 ½ inch scoop to make the cookies.. Use a 2 inch scoop for bigger cookies.

I used light brown sugar… you can use either light or dark brown sugar.

Refrigerating the scooped cookies before baking will help them hold their shape.

This recipe will make approximately 18 cookies.

Try another chocolate chip cookie recipe.. go ahead.. you know you want to… you won’t be sorry!

Recipe: Chewy Chocolate Chip Cookies

All you need:

2 cups bread flour
½ teaspoon baking powder
½ teaspoon salt
12 tablespoons unsalted butter, melted and cooled to warm
1 cup brown sugar, packed
½ cup granulated sugar
1 large egg
1 large egg yolk (from a large egg)
2 teaspoons vanilla
2 cups milk chocolate chips

All you need to do:

Preheat oven to 325 degrees F.

Cover 2 cookie sheets with parchment paper.

In a medium bowl combine flour, baking powder and salt.

In a mixing bowl, beat the sugars and butter until well blended.

Add egg, egg yolk and vanilla and beat until well blended.

Add the flour all at once, and using the paddle attachment, mix until a soft dough forms and ingredients are just combined.

Stir in the chocolate chips.

Place scooped cookie dough balls well spaced on the cookie sheet… my cookie sheets are large and I made 5 at a time, so they wouldn’t spread into each other.

Bake for 12-18 minutes… mine baked for about 16 minutes.

Cool on the cookie sheets to maintain the chewy texture (about 10 minutes).. then I finished cooling them on a rack.


  1. This really looks delicious. I'm definitely craving for a plate of that right now. Thanks for sharing this wonderful recipe.

  2. It is good... very good... no .. make that excellent.... I hope you try them...

    Have fun taste testing and thanks for stopping by!


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