
Recipe: Gnocchi with Basil Pesto Cream

This quick and easy recipe for Gnocchi with Basil Pesto Cream uses commercial gnocchi purchased at the grocery store… you can find it in the pasta section with all the dried pastas… and a quick cream sauce made with prepared Basil Pesto. You can make your own Basil Pesto… using my recipe that I posted previously or buy a commercially prepared one… either way.. it’s quick, easy and delicious!


I used part heavy cream and part non fat milk… you can use all milk… whole or reduced fat varieties.. but you will need to adjust the amount of flour you use so it thickens properly.

This sauce is wonderful on other forms of pasta and chicken.

I served this with a dinner salad and bread… this recipe will serve 3 people… remember the portions will be small.. potato gnocchi is very filling.

Try it… you’ll like it!

Recipe: Gnocchi with Basil Pesto Cream

All you need:

1 lb. box of potato gnocchi

For the sauce:

2 tablespoons butter
2 tablespoon flour
1 teaspoon garlic powder
2 cups heavy cream
½ cup fat free milk
½ cup prepared basil pesto (commercial or homemade)
¼ cup freshly grated Parmesan cheese

All you need to do:

Cook the potato gnocchi according to package directions.

To make the sauce:

In a medium sauce pan, melt the butter over medium heat.

Add the flour and garlic powder…. stir well to incorporate the flour… cook for a minute stirring constantly.

Using a wire whisk, continuously stir as you add the cream and milk.

Stir until sauce thickens.

Add the basil pesto and stir well.

Add the Parmesan cheese and stir well.

Ladle sauce over cooked gnocchi and serve.