
Recipe: Chicken Scallopini

I love Chicken Scallopini… well… let me re-phrase that… I haven’t met a Chicken Scallopini I didn’t love…. I’ve ordered it in dozens of places over the years.. all very similar yet not exactly the same… it’s one of those dishes that everyone has a slightly different take on it.

One of the more recent places I’ve had it is Romano’s Macaroni Grill… which is excellent.. truly a dish to savor. I searched the web for a copycat recipe and found several… but after trying it.. I decided they just weren’t what I wanted.

Before I go any further… I do have to point out that their dish has artichoke hearts in it.. while I don’t dislike them.. I’m not necessarily a fan either… so my recipe omitted them… certainly you can add them in if you prefer.

This recipe is not meant to copycat the Romano’s recipe.. I just used what I thought they did and altered it to my tastes… it was definitely a winner in my household… if Warren could have licked the plate he would have.

My recipe uses wine… a very small amount… 4 ounces… you can leave it out if you prefer not to use wine… it does add a flavor to the sauce but I believe it’s more of an undertone… there are certainly enough other flavorful ingredients to make an excellent sauce.


I used a Sauvignon Blanc for the white wine.

I would have preferred to use pancetta but couldn’t find it… so I used an imported Prosciutto instead. It comes already thinly sliced in a 3 ounce package. You should be able to find it in your grocery store. I actually found mine at Walmart.

Make sure you drain the capers before adding them, do not add the caper liquid it comes in.

I served my dish with spaghetti, any pasta you want should be fine.

This recipe should serve 4.

This really is a very easy meal to make and I hope you try it.

Recipe: Chicken Scallopini

All you need:

For the sauce:

1 ½ cups chicken broth, divided
½ cup white wine
2 tablespoons fresh lemon juice
1 teaspoon garlic powder
½ cup heavy cream
1 tablespoon cornstarch
1 stick of butter, cut into tablespoon pieces

For the Chicken:

6-8 thin sliced boneless skinless chicken breasts
2 cups flour
2 teaspoons garlic powder
¼ teaspoon ground black pepper
¼ teaspoon salt
3 tablespoons butter, divided
2 tablespoons olive oil
1 (16 oz) pkg fresh mushrooms, sliced
1 (3 oz) pkg thin sliced prosciutto, cut into strips
3 tablespoons capers

All you have to do:

In a small saucepan, heat to boiling the white wine, garlic powder, lemon juice and ½ cup of the chicken broth.

Reduce heat and simmer for 10 minutes. (If you omit the wine, then reduce the heat and skip the simmer)

Add the heavy cream and cook for an additional 5-7 minutes, stirring frequently.
In a measuring cup or small bowl, combine the remaining 1 cup of chicken broth and the cornstarch until the cornstarch is completely blended in.

Add the chicken broth-cornstarch mixture to the sauce and stir constantly until it thickens (about 1-2 minutes).

Add the butter, stirring constantly until completely melted and incorporated.

Lower heat to just where you can keep it warm.

In a flat bowl or plate mix the flour, garlic powder, ground black pepper and salt.

Dredge the chicken breasts in the flour mixture.

In a large skillet, melt 2 tablespoons butter with 2 tablespoons olive oil over medium high heat.

Sauté the chicken breasts in the butter-olive oil until lightly browned on each side and cooked through.

Remove the chicken from the skillet.

Add 1 tablespoon butter to the pan and when melted, add the mushrooms, prosciutto and capers to the pan.

Cook over medium high heat until mushrooms are soft, stirring frequently.
Add the chicken back to the pan.

Add the sauce to the pan and mix well.

Lower the heat to medium-low and cover. Cook for 5 minutes.

Place chicken on a platter or serving dish. Ladle a generous amount of sauce over the chicken. Serve the rest of the sauce in a bowl on the side.

Serve with pasta.

1 comment:

  1. I tried this recipe tonight and it turned out well. I liked the lemony sauce , I'm sure I will use it again.Thanks for sharing.


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