
Recipe: Stove Top Frittatas

I usually make Frittatas in a baking dish in the oven… most often in pie plate… recently one of my loyal readers… Beth Saylor sent me a recipe she found at Kraft foods (Fall 2010 Kraft Food and Family) that made the frittata on the stove top. I had long forgotten that method… it was the first method I had used for making frittatas years ago…

While I do prefer making them in the oven.. the stove top method offers a few benefits… time being the biggest advantage… it cooks on the stove top far quicker than in the oven. Another big advantage to making it on the stove top is that it can be easier when making smaller ones for two people rather than the larger “pie size”…. although depending on the size baking dishes you have… a smaller one can be made in the oven as well.

The first frittata I ever had.. was …believe it or not… in a department store restaurant… years ago large department stores had restaurants… and most were pretty good… unfortunately most have gone the way of the dinosaur.. into extinction. The frittata was served in a cast iron round pan… similar to the Pizza Hut pan pizza pans… I distinctly remember it was an “Italian” frittata… with chunks of slightly sautéed vegetables including potato wedges that had been slightly crisped… absolutely delicious… I was forever sold on them after that first time.


Use an omelet pan for easier serving… the frittata will easily slide out onto a serving late, then just cut in half.

You can easily make this with egg substitute instead of eggs if you want to lower the fat.

Okay… back to Beth’s recipe find… the frittata easily feeds two… it uses 4 eggs… after that… what you add is up to you… I’ll post the original recipe… and my variation… my version is a bit more gooey because of the additional cheese ( I love cheese).

I encourage you to be creative… add whatever you would normally add to an omelet… this makes a fabulous brunch or even a lunch… I added a small salad and had a terrific lunch!

Thanks Beth!

The Original Recipe

All you need:

fresh baby spinach (6 oz. bag)
4 eggs slightly beaten
4 tablespoons finally shredded cheese
4 slices bacon, cooked and chopped *

*chopped ham can be substituted for the bacon

All you need to do:

Cook the spinach and 1 tablespoon of water in medium nonstick skillet sprayed with cooking spray on medium heat for 4-5 minutes, stirring occasionally.

Mix remaining ingredients and pour over spinach. Don't stir.

Cover and cook 5 minutes until center is set.

My Variation

All you need:

4 eggs slightly beaten
½ cup cubed ham
¼ cup Colby/Jack or Cheddar shredded cheese
2 tablespoons snipped chives (optional)

All you need to do:

Spray a skillet with cooking oil spray (butter flavor preferred)

Add the eggs, do not stir.

Sprinkle the ham evenly over the eggs.

Sprinkle the cheese evenly over the ham.

Sprinkle the chives evenly over the cheese.

Cover and cook over medium heat until center is set.

To serve:

Slide frittata onto a platter or large plate and cut in half.

1 comment:

  1. This looks great! I love how simple it seems! I make a Rosemary Potato Frittata that's fantastic! You start it on the stove and finish it in the oven. Here's the recipe:

    Thanks for sharing!


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