
Recipe: Banana Split Ice Cream

The ice cream series continues…

I was looking to use up… you guessed it.. a few over ripe bananas… so banana ice cream was on the agenda… it… well… went from there…
Actually you can make banana ice cream by simply leaving out the add-ins… but I must say this was very good with them in…

This ice cream was extremely easy to make…


Use the number of bananas in the recipe… I tasted the batter and decided it didn’t have more than a hint of banana flavor… and made the mistake of adding more pureed banana… the result after ripening in the freezer overnight was banana ice cream alright… it was very banana… almost too much banana… so batch #2 … I left the original amount of banana in the recipe and it was perfect.

Use very ripe bananas… with almost black peels… they are the best for pureeing.

I used my mini chopper to puree the bananas.

Now for the add-ins…

I used Strawberry Pie Filling instead of strawberry ice cream topping because I found strawberry ice cream topping to be too runny…

Add them at the end of the freezing process…

Please note the add-in amounts are approximate and you should add as much or as little as you like… I wouldn’t recommend adding less… just possibly more.

I added about ½ the recipe quantity of the strawberry pie filling during the last 5 minutes of the freezing process.. the rest I added after the ice cream was removed from the freezer bowl and in the container.

I used about ¾ of a jar (7 ½ oz.) Marshmallow Fluff…. I added this after the ice cream was out of the freezer bowl and in the container.

Chocolate Syrup/Topping… use a thick chocolate ice cream topping… add it after the ice cream is out of the freezer bowl and in the container.

Add each of the toppings… Strawberry Pie Filling, Marshmallow Fluff and Chocolate Ice Cream Topping in dropfuls … then using a spoon swirl it a few times in the ice cream.. the result should be clumps of topping…

This was very easy and insanely good… a definite kid pleaser … and adult pleaser too!

Recipe: Banana Split Ice Cream

All you need:

1 cup whole milk
¾ cup granulated sugar
2 cups heavy cream
2 teaspoons vanilla
3 very ripe bananas, pureed
¾ jar (7 ½ oz.) Marshmallow Fluff
¾ cup strawberry pie filling
¼ cup chocolate ice cream topping

All you need to do:

In a mixing bowl, combine the milk and sugar and beat until the sugar is dissolved, about 2 minutes.

Add the heavy cream and vanilla and whisk the batter.

Add the pureed bananas and whisk until well mixed.

Turn on the ice cream maker.

Pour the batter into the freezer bowl and freeze according to the manufacturer’s instructions.

I have the Cuisinart ICE-20… I froze the ice cream mixture for 30 minutes.

After the freezing process is done… scoop the ice cream into a freezer container…

Add the add-ins one at a time… swirling it in the ice cream, leaving clumps.

Place container in the freezer… I would recommend you allow the mixture to freeze overnight (if you can wait that long!)

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