
Recipe: Smores No-Bake Pie

Smores… I honestly don’t remember making Smores as a kid at summer camp…. we had campfires.. and cookouts… in fact they were every Friday night… we’d have hot dogs and bug juice… bug juice was like Hawaiian Punch but a cheaper version and it had stuff floating in it that looked like bugs… as a kid.. all that mattered was that it tasted okay… we never questioned the bug part… as an adult looking back.. I wonder…

When my son was growing up we lived in an apartment then we bought a house in a development… suburbia.. no campfires there… so no Smores… actually I’m pretty sure I didn’t know even what a Smore was… you could say I was Smores deprived… or at least my son was. When he was ten he went summer camp with the church youth group. They had a campfire and cookout… and Smores… he was deemed a “Smore Novice” and in need of a “Smore Buddy”… and so my son learned all about Smores… and so did I when he got home… I was admonished by him for not teaching him before camp… oh well… he lived .. and Smores became a favorite.

I’d seen several recipes for all sorts of Smores.. pies…bars etc… the Smores Pie intrigued me.. but none of the recipes “hit” me.. so I decided to experiment.. this recipe for today’s post is the result… Warren deemed it a success… so if the Sweet Tooth Man himself deems it a success.. it is… it was good… had just the flavors I was looking for…


You can make any kind of chocolate pudding you want…. boxed instant…boxed cooked or from scratch… if cooked pudding of any type is your choice… you have to let it cool for 5-10 minutes before putting it in the pie shell.

I used about half a bag of mini marshmallows… it was hard to judge since my “helpers” insisted on munching to make sure the marshmallows were fresh. … use your eye to do the topping… you can see by the picture what it should look like.

I bought a large Hershey Chocolate Bar … used about half and munched on the rest.

I used about ¾ of a graham cracker… again do it by eye.

When you put the pie under the broiler.. set the rack to the second notch from the top in the oven and watch it.. the marshmallows brown in only 2-3 minutes. I put foil around the edges of the pie to protect the non-marshmallow covered sides.

Try this… everyone will love it!

Recipe: Smores No-Bake Pie

All you need:

1 graham cracker pie crust
1 box (6 serving) JELL-O Chocolate Pudding mix (I used Cook &Serve)or Instant Pudding
Whole milk (use amount listed on your pudding package..for Cook & Serve it was 3 cups)
½ bag mini marshmallow
1 Hershey Candy Bar
1 graham cracker

All you need to do:

Make chocolate pudding according to package directions.

If using cooked chocolate pudding (homemade or box mix) …let it cool in a bowl for 5-10 minutes.

Pour the cooled pudding into the graham cracker pie crust.

Cover and put in the refrigerator for 2 hours or overnight.

Preheat the broiler.

Remove the cover and completely cover the pie with mini marshmallows.

Cut or break the chocolate bar into small squares or pieces and randomly place them over the top of the pie in between the marshmallows.

Cut or break the graham cracker into small squares or pies and randomly place them over the top of the pie in between the marshmallows and chocolate pieces.

Cover the edge of the pie with foil to prevent the sides from charring.

Place under the broiler until marshmallows turn a light brown.

Remove pie from oven and remove foil.

Serve immediately.

1 comment:

  1. Interesting, never heard of such pie. Might try it someday.


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