
Recipe: Barbecue Seasoning

The basis for a great barbecue sauce starts with great seasoning… so in order to try the Neely Barbecue sauce… I had to make a batch of the Neely Barbecue Seasoning… the ingredients are simple… and I knew from the moment I read the recipe… I’d found a seasoning recipe I can use in a lot of things… not just barbecue sauce..

This takes a lot of paprika… we found a spice sale at Publix… and bought quite a bit of paprika, garlic powder and onion powder…. we use tons of it in this house…. I have an investment tip… buy stock in garlic powder… you just wouldn’t believe how much I go through… it invariably is always on our shopping list… well.. until recently when Warren stocked up.


I used Spice World paprika.. it’s not labeled hot or sweet… it’s just a basic paprika .. which is exactly what the Neely recipe calls for.

I know it’s hard to judge amounts… this recipe uses 1 ½ cups of paprika… we bought Spice World.. a 3 ¾ ounce bottle… I used the entire bottle and a little from another bottle… so you will definitely need more than 1 bottle to make this.

I used a wire whisk to mix it evenly.. and put it into an airtight container… use it for seasoning meatloaf.. or use it as a dry rub for grilled meats…. or as a seasoning in any recipe of your own.

It has just 3 how simple is that?

This is a terrific barbecue seasoning blend… I highly recommend you try it… and better yet… why not consider getting their cookbook… Down Home With the Neely’s… an excellent southern cookbook.

Recipe: Neely’s Barbecue Seasoning

All you need:

1 ½ cups paprika
¾ cup sugar
3 ¾ tablespoons onion powder

All you need to do:

Put all the spices in a small bowl and mix well. I used a wire whisk and it blended the spiced very evenly.

Store in an air tight container and place in a cool, dry place.. it should last for up to 6 months.

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