
Food Safety Myth: Rinsing Raw Chicken

Food Safety Myth Buster

My blog has a Food Safety section (see lower right column)…. I feel as part of a Cooking Tip and Recipe blog I have a responsibility to include Food Safety information. I will be posting information periodically that I hope will help you handle food more safely.

Today’s Food Safety Tip concerns the myth that rinsing raw chicken in a colander or simply in your sink will remove bacteria. THIS IS COMPLETELY FALSE. In fact, according to the Partnership for Food Safety Education,” it can spread raw juices around your sink, onto your countertops and onto ready to eat foods. Bacteria in raw meat and poultry can only be killed when cooked to a safe internal temperature, which for poultry is 165 degrees F, as measured with a food thermometer.”

Source: The Partnership for Food Safety Education


  1. This is such a great reminder. We tend to take it for granted that we don't need to be concerned. The truth, as you point out, is very different.


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