
Fruit and Vegetable Buying Guide for a Crowd

Tip of the Day

So just how much does that pineapple yield in servings?

Ever want to serve fruits or vegetables for a party and stood in the produce section of the supermarket scratching your head trying to visualize just how much fruit salad all those fruits in your cart are going to make? Been there done that…. honestly… we love fruit so I make up the fruit salad… and eat off the leftovers for a week…. but realistically … it is better to plan… cheaper too.

The buying guide I have says to allow ½ cup bite sized pieces of fruit per serving. I tend to agree… depending on what else you are serving… if you’re serving tea sandwiches and fruit salad… and no other salads… I would allow for more per person. Take out your ½ cup dry measure and visualize the contents on a plate… if that’s what you envision your guests eating.. then you’re on target.

Okay… so now all you have to do is multiply the number of guests by the serving size… and see what you’re shooting for as a total. Now the fun part… figuring out just how much that pineapple will yield ….

Here are some approximate amounts that yield from different fruits:

18 lb. watermelon = 16 cups
4 lb. pineapple = 5 cups
3 lb. honeydew or cantaloupe = 4 cups
1 pint of strawberries, blueberries or raspberries = 2 cups
1 lb. green grapes = 2 cups
3 oz. kiwi = ½ cup

Depending on the number of guests you have… in order to get the variety of fruit in a fruit salad without having way too much… it may be more economical to buy some pre-cut fruit in smaller quantities … it’s something to consider.

With vegetables… planning is a little trickier….a lot will depend on just what other items you are serving….and what the vegetable is being used for…. as a side to a meal or as a crudite for a dip….

Let’s assume the vegetable is a crudite for a dip…. The guide says to allow 4-6 pieces per serving…. I think that may be on the low side… but again it depends what else you will have for hors d’oeuvres… you will need to use your judgment.

Here are some approximate amounts that yield from different vegetables:

2 lb. broccoli or cauliflower = 32 (1 ¼ inch) florets
1 lb. carrots = 65 sticks
1 ¾ lb. celery = 100 sticks
1 pint cherry tomatoes = 25 tomatoes
1 ½ cucumbers = 50 slices
1 lb. zucchini (2 medium) = 50 slices

Remember these are approximate… and obviously depend on how thick you slice the vegetables… and again… depending on the size of the party… it may be more economical to buy some things pre-sliced. I, personally, prefer buying the small Belgium carrots in the bag… they dip easy and it’s one thing less I have to do.

I hope this helps you with your party planning.

Source: Classic Pillsbury Cookbooks No. 147 May 1993 - All New Party Cook Book


  1. Very helpful. Thank you. I'll add this post to my favorites for easy reference.

  2. Great! Glad I could be of help.


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