
Jalapena Peppers

Tip of the Day:

Bottles or canned jalapena peppers are preserved in a vinegar mixture… they taste slightly differently than fresh ones but they are a good substitute nonetheless.
If you buy fresh ones, there is not a lot of difference between the red and the green ones except the red ones have been left on the vine longer and are a little sweeter (much like the differences between red and green peppers). The red ones are not hotter than the green ones.

If you decide to use fresh jalapena peppers, many people recommend wearing rubber gloves. The oils in jalapena peppers can irritate your skin. Do not touch your face, eyes, nose or mouth after handling jalapena peppers as the oil can burn. If you inadvertently get it in your eye… a cold water wash should handle the situation.

If you are not wearing gloves when handling the jalapenas, make sure to thoroughly wash your hands with soap and water after working with them.

To seed a fresh jalapena… cut them done the center with a paring knife. Then with a small spoon or melon baller, run down the center spooning out the veins and seeds, discarding the veins and seeds.

The seeds are where the ‘heat” is… so if you want it slightly hotter, keep some of the seeds, but I wouldn’t recommend keeping too many.

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